
Everything You Need To Know About Your Coffee Beans




Have you ever wondered what those fancy words on your coffee mug? Then this is the article for you. In this article, I'll tell you everything you need to know about your coffee beans. We will begin by describing the different varieties of medium roast, the process they undergo as well as roasted. You will also find more information regarding your coffee beans.

Which coffee beans are there?

Let me start by describing the various coffee bean families. The Robusta and Arabica are among the most sought-after coffee beans. They are two of the numerous coffee beans that are available. There are also other coffee beans that are more rare and used exclusively to make the highest quality coffee.

I'm talking about the Liberica and the Excelsa coffee beans. These beans are harder to find in the local grocery store because there aren't enough coffee beans produced for the entire world to consume.

In this article, I will start by discussing the Arabica coffee bean. Read on as I provide a lot of information on the coffee you drink each morning.

The Arabica coffee beans

Let's begin with Arabica coffee beans, which are the most popular coffee consumed in the world. Arabica coffee comes from the Coffea Arabica plant.

It is believed to be the very early species of fresh coffee to be identified. More than 60% of coffee in the world is made by Coffea Arabica.

Arabica is the common name of all the coffee beans from the same family. Typica is believed to be the first kind. From this point on, there are a lot of varieties that have been identified. Here are some examples: Bourbon, Caturra and Cutaui; Mundo Novo and numerous others.

For example, the Bourbon coffee is a natural evolution of the Typica coffee tree. Mundo Novo is a cross between the Typica coffee plant and the Bourbon coffee plant.

Each region is home to its own type of coffee plant. These coffees have a distinctive flavor.




The average height of the Arabica coffee plant ranges from the 900m to 2000m (or 3000ft to 6600ft). Coffee beans that are grown higher up in the mountains are more expensive. This is all to do with how much space the farmer of the coffee can find on his mountain. Also, difficult-to-access areas require more effort.

What is Robusta coffee beans What are they? How do they grow?

Robusta coffee or Coffea Canephora in Arabic is the second-highest-produced coffee beans in the world. Together with flavored coffee, they produce more than 98%..

The Robusta plant has more caffeine, contains less sugar than the Arabica coffee bean which is also less prone to various kinds of illnesses. Coffee farmers prefer to grow the mix of different coffee plants.

There are additional benefits of growing Robusta beans in a farm setting: the Robusta coffee plant can take around 2 years to grow fully , when you compare it with Arabica coffee plants which can take approximately 7 years to grow until the beans are ready to be picked.

Robusta is popular for its acidity. The acidity of this bean is more than twice that of Arabica coffee beans. This fresh roasted coffee is the most popular type of coffee beans that is used in blends. This is because the coffee beans provide a great taste profile when combined with a premium Arabica coffee beans.

When you read along you'll discover everything you need to learn about the different coffee blends. It will also give you a more general idea of what I just talked about.

Liberica coffee. How rare are these beans?

The Coffea Liberica coffee plant is extremely scarce. Only growing in a few places on earth, the coffee beans from the plant are sought-after. The Coffea Liberica produces only about 2% of the entire world's supply of coffee.

The Coffea Liberica coffee beans are bigger than the ones made of Arabica and Robusta coffee beans. It is higher in concentration of caffeine over Arabica beans, but lower than Robusta.

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